Spreading Joy Where We Can
Friends and family have been coming together for celebrations small and large since the cavemen had their first bonfire. While their plans may not have included signature drinks and s’mores, it’s likely they came together for the same reasons we do now, to honor and celebrate a joyful event. During this unprecedented time, and maybe more so because of it, that same sentiment still holds true. Pandemic or not, there is still reason to find joy together, virtually, of course!
Photo Courtesy of Jenny Moloney
At JRE, we’ve put together a few reasons of our own to celebrate the people in our lives, some traditional, some not so much. Please add to our list in the comments below!
- Tuesday (it’s always good to start off easy!)
- Birth of a New Baby
- Your Healthcare Provider
- Birthdays
- Anniversaries
- Original Dates of Postponed Celebrations
- Graduations
- Your Mail Deliverer
- Employees or Colleagues
- Just Because
Photo Courtesy of Schippert + Martin
Some Unique Ways to Share Some Joy
- Ink Cards – Ink Cards are a wonderful alternative to Hallmark cards. You simply download an app on your phone and allow it access to your photos. Then personalize a birthday or holiday card with a photo of your friend or family member. The cost is usually less than a Hallmark card at around $2 including shipping. As an added convenience, you can set up reminders of birthdays/anniversaries/special dates, and choose a specific date for your card to arrive.
- Shutterfly or Snapfish – These websites are full of personalized gift options to let your loved ones know you are thinking of them. Gifts like these become treasured mementos!
- City Winery – The restaurant and concert venue located in downtown Boston is selling wines online with free pick up or options for delivery. We love their Syrah Rosé! Send your mom or a special person in your life a half dozen rosés!
- Donations To Those In Need – There are so many organizations seeking donations to help those struggling through this pandemic, from families that are food insecure to healthcare workers in need of bolstering. Local food banks, family services and hospitals, or larger national organizations are all asking for our help. What better way to celebrate a loved one than with a donation in his or her name.
Photo Courtesy of People in Love
Let Someone Else Cook
- Spoonful of Comfort – This service provide various packages with soup, rolls and cookies shipped directly to your front door. We recently received one of their packages and are now loyal customers! They are perfect for sympathy, get well and celebrating a new baby! While they are a little pricey, it is thoughtful designed and all-inclusive. They even carry gluten free and vegan options!
- Our catering friends have pivoted their culinary expertise from massive events to contactless meal delivery of dinners to your doorstep. We have a friend who has been sending these to the health care heroes in her life. The meals are all inclusive and with some you are even able to add on pantry items like paper towels or toilet paper!
What are you doing to celebrate the special people in your life? Make sure to add to our list of ideas in the comments below!